Friday, March 30, 2012

A peace activist with soft smile 笑顔のすてきな平和大使

I have met Ms. Taeko Tanaka through Ms. Mary–Ray Cate in March.
Ms. Tanaka has been visiting Santa Fe for a month as a peace ambassador through an organization called N.A.C.
Though the organization makes arrangements to find volunteers to host and support the visitors and to arrange places to visit,  she has been funding her visits herself.  This year she was selected by N.A.C, but she has been doing it on her own for over 10 years.
The purpose of her visit is to keep the memory of Hiroshima alive, so that we all can draw an important lesson from it. The lesson is: “Never Again”.
3月のはじめに、ケートさんをつうじて田中妙子さんにお会いしました。妙子さんは、 N.A.Cという組織の平和大使としてアメリカにこられました。 N.A.C.は現地で彼女の活動を支えるサポーターを紹介してくれるのですが、アメリカにこられた資金は全て自分で負担されているそうです。今回は N.A.C.を代表してこれていますが、過去10年以上にわたりご自分で活動を続けてこられました。

She does that by introducing a cultural elements into to the community. She makes a face to face connection with persons, she engages them at a personal  level.  She reads poems by the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and shows documentary films. She offers people a chance to really know how it was like to suffer the aftermath of the Atomic Bomb.
妙子さんの活動は、日本文化を伝え、また、被爆された方の詩を朗読したり、ドキュメンタリー映画を上映されたりされています。 会う人一人一人に心の架け橋をかけるような活動です。 人々がどんな苦しみをくぐり抜けてきたかということを考える機会をもってもらうということです。

Horrors of war are still everywhere. It seems to me that many stem from ignorance, self-righteousness, distancing oneself and not acknowledging the pain as our own. Even Japanese Army had done cruel things to other nations.
To me, what Taeko san has been doing is  not pointing a finger at anybody, but really  creating and offering a chance to connect and plant a seed of compassion.
We all are capable of compassion!

She is a tiny lady with a lovely smile, and has managed to visit community centers, schools and senior centers. She has given classes, lectures and done workshops every day while she is in US.  In Santa Fe, during her 22 day stay, she has met a total of 781 people. At Gallup, NM,  she has met total of 1025 people in just 10 days. After Santa Fe, she will visit  Wisconsin, she will do so over the entire 3 months of her stay.  What limitless energy!
Mary who is a wonderful supporter of N.A.C. in Santa Fe has told me how veterans and their families suffer after the soldiers’ return from the war zone. War creates a tremendous suffering for all involved. And it materially costs a lot, too...
So why? 

(Photographs were taken on the day she visited a small group at one of the senior homes  and did origami and a Japanese language workshop.)