Friday, July 15, 2011

Joy of Flying

I always loved flying.

It is a good reminder that behind the clouds, there is always blue
skies (or whole universes), that somewhere the Sun is still shining.

I used to feel such a relief by "detaching myself" from the daily
grind. But this time, I felt a little sad leaving the place I had
lived, and felt nervous about going to "the unknown". I felt as if I
was being peeled off from the surface of the Earth...

Well, after all, the life has completely different things to offer if
I were still attached to something I am leaving behind.

It is a lesson about being in the present moment, when it comes and
contains you, and letting gracefully go as it passes. A lesson about
welcoming whatever comes with smile and gratitude.

So, ultimately it is good to drop by completely new places more frequently.

久しぶりに空を旅した。飛ぶのは好きだったはずなのに、今回の旅行は、住み慣れた愛着のある土地を離れるという気持ちが大きくて、自分でも戸惑った。複雑な気持ちをかかえたまま機上の人となったが、飛んでみると、とてもすがすがしい。 ”雲の上はいつも青空がひろがっている”と初めて聞いた時は、目から鱗が落ちたのを憶えているが、全くそのとおりである。

Friday, July 8, 2011

for the love of donkey!

I made a wonderful friend around our love of donkey!
Cynthia is an artist who creates intricate sculptures.
Now, how did I meet her?
Well... I forgot how to log into my blogging account for "The Curious
Donkey" and had to search a bit, and... What do I know? I stumbled on
Cynthias blog, a blog entitled "A Donkey Diary "! 
I was impressed with her love for the donkeys! Turns out she was
living not too far from my friend whom I was about to visit.
So, I had the chance to meet Cynthia at her donkeyland on that
beautiful island.
Cynthiaは、カナダのバンクーバー島に住むアーティストで、家で三頭のロバを飼っている。そして彼らとの生活について"A Donkey Diary "というブログを書いている。7月にバンクーバー島に住む友人を訪ねるついでに彼女のdonkeylandにお邪魔してきました。
There, the donkeys Siog, Deenah and Dorica live, their lives touched
by Cynthia's great love and care. I fell in love with them at once.
This was the first time I was meeting donkeys up close. They not only
were very nice to me, they also tried to impress me with their
tricks. (Cynthia does clicker training, a training based on positive
reinforcement.) They were very intelligent beings.

Siog, Deenah とDoricaはとっても人懐っこくてかわいい!

All this proved that they were, indeed, very curious , also!
I was right!

Please visit Cynthia's blog and my web album to see more photographs
of those lovely companions!
